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Rule changes lead to reduction in self-certified sick period

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The maximum period for which a person can self-certify their incapacity for work for benefits purposes is being reduced from 21 days to 14 days. 

The Treasury is making the announcement in line with the relaxation around self-isolation rules for people who have contracted Covid-19. 

The change applies to claims made on or after Friday 1 April 2022. 

People are able to self-certify their incapacity for work by completing a form SC1 ‘Claim for Incapacity Benefit’ form and submitting it to Social Security. 

After 14 days, anyone who is still unable to return to work and needs to extend their claim to incapacity benefits will require a sick note (Med3) from a Medical Practitioner. 

It should be noted that the conditions apply only for social security purposes, and employers must determine their own policies. 

More information is available

Anyone who is not able to access the website or needs more information should call Social Security on +44 1624 685656 or email